Vw Cars Named After Winds

It has many crosswords divided into different worlds and groups.
Vw cars named after winds. It was first released in 1973 and is still available today. Each world has more than 20 groups with 5 puzzles each. Some of the worlds are. The volkswagen passat is a family car designed and produced by volkswagen a german automaker.
In other countries the same models may bear different names such as the golf i called the rabbit in the us and caribe in mexico. It has eight design variations and has three layout classifications front wheel drive front engine or four wheel drive. Enhanced with dennis s notes. Many of volkswagen s most famous models are named after winds.
For example maserati named its cars after strong winds. Zephyr is another name for a light wind and has been used on all sorts of planes trains and ships over the years. Some automakers use greek mythology as the basis for car monikers. More recently vw started adopting other naming convetions e g corrado.
Scirocco is a hot wind sweeping off the. Production ended without a successor. Passat is a tradewind. Codycross is a famous newly released game which is developed by fanatee.
That said with the swap over to water cooled vw did start a tradtion of naming cars after winds. The scirocco derives its name from the mediterranean wind. Most of the european names given to vws came from wind names. 21 where did vw car names come from.
Find out volkswagen model named after a mediterranean wind answers. Mid grade version of british ford s consul zephyr zodiac trio the u k. Although a european car the ford zephyr has its roots in the 1936 lincoln zephyr. The volkswagen scirocco is a three door four passenger 2 2 front engine front wheel drive sports coupé manufactured and marketed by volkswagen in two generations from 1974 to 1992 and a third generation from 2008 until 2017.
Of course not all vw are named after winds since many of the early cars were known officaly by a type number and realy only got there other names as basicly nicknames. The lincoln zephyr was even more aerodynamic than the airflow and similarly named. Named after the greek wind god zephyrus. Volkswagen named a sedan after a greek god the phaeton.
What is it about cars named after winds barely living for any time at all unless they re part of the vw group. The golf refers to the gulf stream jetta is german for jet stream passat means trade wind the scirocco is named after sirocco. Equivalent of a customline from ford s mainline customline fairlane of the same era.